Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Enjoy the family day in Vancouver

Simon and I were in Vancouver again for one month this March. We had a lot of happieness stories to memory.
Of this sunny day. Whole family went out to the park to welcome to spring season.

Logan and the dog.The dog is waiting his ball to play.
Ka Hay with Max and Logan

Parents with the twins

Don and the god want to talk to Logan
 Is Simon Looking like a movie star?
Woh!!!!!!!1 Izzy. You are very strong!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Visit great aunt's grave

It is Izzy's third time, Max and Logan's second time to sweep great aunt's grave.
Yeh's sister and her husband wanted to bring the tradition stuff to worship. The stuff are cooked chicken, BBQ pork, bum,wine, flowers and the paper money to burm to great aunt to use.......
After the visit. We had to share the stuff to eat. The we will get the bless from great aunt.......
Chinese old tradition.

Friday, April 27, 2012

We always have some things to do.

Do you know who I am?( Loagn is wearing on the blue jacket.
We are good drivers!( I am Max. )

 Dad and Izzy. Izzy is playing the soap bubble. Dad is smiling for his three children
 Do you like Logan's new boots? New stayle of 20012 for baby boy.
 Max wants to find his treasure.